Talk talk 2013

Genki desu ka? Genki desu? Aa, yokatta!
(Practice japanese jap ><'' )
credit to the owner. this stuff is a CUTIE

If menyampah ngan yang atas tu.. Abaikan jela ekk ;) btw, its the new year, new semester and also im..AGING!!!! (Andwae!!!! Erk. Ter-korea plak =,=) hewhewhew :3
Hee. Na wish taon baru, it is REALLY late since ryte now da na masok FEBRUARY da ken. Erm. Na cite ape ek? (Jap pikir jap!) haa.. Since aku da semester 3 so... kirenye aku da SENIOR la ken? Hehe. Tho' ta la sesenior like others but kire bleh la tu kott cuz on this 2013 ni usia aku pown da meningkat ke digit 20 (tidakkk!!!!)
Ermm. Sebenarnye.. Untuk sem 3 ni, semangat aku na study macam JAOHHHHH sangad. Idk why +,+'' but i try my best to surpass it coz kne keep up the good work! Tapii... Macam susa gak la na beat down sem lepas punye pointer since aku punye almost dean >,>(bajed jap! Nyampah? KESA PLAK AKU. Muehehehe) if pointer down untuk sem ni sumpah MALU BESAR woii!!! *tutup muke* (takot ta leh skor subjek sem 3 especially JAPANESE!!!)
2012 end up nicely for me(i think >_<) 2013 started up with a bit stressful but we'll see what's going to be happen,next. Just wish me A BIG FAT GOODLUCK cuz i really need it SO BADLY. *smiley face* k la. Na check out mende laen. Oyasumi nasai ^^